this page users can obtain module upgrades. Some will be available to anyone for free, others of which
are available only to those who made PayPal
contributions on previous software and so have the password to unzip them. En = English, Fr = Francais, It = Italiano, Es = Español, De = Deutsch, NL = Nederlands, Pt = Portugues, Sv = Svenska, Po = Polish, Jp = Japanese, Cn = Chinese Simplified, Kr = Korean, Ru = Russian, Th = Thai
Analysis Module v 4.10
NEW 06/05/07: Requires password to unzip. GUI changes, improvements, bug fixes and Unicode support added. Eng, Fr, It, Es, De, NL, Pt, Jp, Cn, Th, Ru, Kr included. (368k)
Note: You may need to have Windows XP language pack installed to see all the supported languages. You may also need to download Microsoft's FM20.dll which comes with many of Microsoft's applications, but is not free to distribute.
Launch Module 2007
NEW 10/4/07: 14 language support. Eng, Fr, It, Esp, De, NL, Pt, Sv, Jp, Ru, Po, Kr, Cn, Th included. (134k)
Liberate font: Your launcher may not look perfect if you do not have this font in your Windows/Fonts folder (79k)
Note: You may need to have Windows XP language pack installed to see all the supported languages. You may also need to download Microsoft's FM20.dll which comes with many of Microsoft's applications, but is not free to distribute.
Transcription Module v1.26
NEW 19/8/06: Transcription now possible with MS Paint, Fireworks, Photoshop, ImageReady and Paint Shop Pro. Automatically uses language as selected in Launcher. Support for 12 languages. Eng, Fr, It, Es & De included. (260k)
Data Preparation Module v1.85
NEW 11/4/07: Automatic list creation. 14 languages supported. Eng, Fr, It, Es, De, NL, Sv Pt, Jp, Kr, Po, Ru, Cn included. (54k)
Gina Beauty is in continuing development. The latest version will all become free to download, with limitations that can be unlocked by a contributors' key file. Additional modules will be made available in the same way, available from this page.
updated: 6 May 2007